Effect of magnetic waves and Mars in the 5th house on the envelope
What is the process of preparing a webmaster to launch an ad? What could be the reasons for the absence of an envelope on offers?
To begin with, you need to choose a good offer. You can ask your manager for current offers. For example, we have a selection of offers for the week where we observe a very good envelope. And then you need to buy accounts, configure everything correctly and prepare creatives for traffic launch.
Why can your offer not convert, but, for example, other webmasters do well?

Why might an advertiser reject traffic entirely?
In each offer, we prescribe not only the conditions, but also recommendations for the strait, which everyone should follow. If all points of recommendations are fulfilled, the probability that your traffic will pass all conditions and CRI of the advertiser increases greatly. Recommendations will help improve the quality of traffic and reduce the probability of rejection.

Is it necessary to read the conditions specified in the contract? If you don't understand them, who can help - affiliate manager or support?
Yes, of course, you should pay attention. For example, you take an offer on SPL, where the conditions indicate only Facebook, from 25 years old, only men and women. This should be taken into account, because the advertiser can reject your traffic if you pour from auto placements, and there are only men and other ages.
For the best quality of traffic, you must always take into account what is indicated in the conditions.
A few words about capa and about traffic, which is not subject to payment at all.
Kappa is the limited number of conversions that the advertiser is willing to allocate for the test period.
The amount is indicated next to each offer — usually 20 deps. Or if we consider SPL, it is 20 registrations. 30 deps can be allocated for the test, or the well-known Mostbet usually issues 50 deps per test.

If the number of conversions turns out to be less than this value, then the quality of the traffic will be more difficult to determine. The size of the test cap allocated by the advertiser is indicated in each offer.
And if there are not enough deps?
No one forces you to finish this mouthpiece by force or to refill it through tears. The advertiser will still check the traffic, but it may take a little longer, because the less traffic, the harder it is to understand what quality it is.
Can an advertiser reject traffic if, for example, there is some fraud? How can he even detect it?
Of course, it can. This is the main reason for deviations.
This is the most terrible thing that can happen. It is better not to do this, it is very easy to detect, all advertisers have an automatic anti-fraud system. And after all the leads pass anti-fraud, they are re-checked by specialists manually. No oneWe recommend fraud — pour normal high-quality traffic and everything will be fine.
What is the average lifetime of a connection? How long will she be able to live and work depends on what?

If you pour widely, then accordingly you need to further optimize, look at the statistics and in the partner. If you use a tracker, you should also pay attention to this. From this, your connection can live much longer. You can also pay attention to the land offer itself. When you create a creative, you can look at the landing page. For example, if it's a wheel or some lots, you can choose a creative similar to landing — it adds a little trust and maybe your relationship will last longer.
If you give a connection to each friend, how quickly will it dry up?
It will go out almost immediately. It's like in primeval white. There is a primeval scheme, everyone attacks it and that's it. And the connection burns out very quickly. So it is the same with communication in arbitration — it means the target, the creative and the offer itself.

Which offers are better to take - fresh ones or those that have been tested for a long time, that have been on the market for a long time?
It is necessary to test all good offers - both old and new. For example, not so long ago we had a 7Slots offer from the Philippines, it was new and everyone who took advantage of this offer was happy with its envelope. Also, old offers keep good envelopes. If you correctly analyze the targets and creativity, press the connection a couple of times, then the old offers can still hold a good envelope. As a rule, when an offerer gives a good envelope, everyone goes there at once, everyone fills it, the envelope sinks and then they move from this offer to another. But it still remains good - you just need to find a different approach to it, approach the bay in a slightly different way.

I would test all good offers. Just ask your manager for information - he gives a new offer, with a cool product, landing page, working payments, adequate depot and good CRI in payments - and there will be a cannon. Think about the concept, creativity — and go!
How long does the connection last?
It is necessary to test.

Testing means thinking about the creative, the plan of action, how to launch it, from which accounts, from which proxies, which creatives - video or static, what should be on this creative. You have to approach this matter competently.
If these are different verticals — where can it live longer, where will it burn out faster?
There are no such realities - where longer, where shorter. It depends on you, on creativity, on optimization, on how you do it.
Name the typical mistakes when setting up the LCD, which can kill this connection? What can be done to make it go out right away?
A test of a wide variety of creos - when you run 5-6 pieces on one LCD, you set a high budgetzhet and just watch how the traffic goes into the water, because you do not know whether your RK is caught or not, working creo or not.
Of course, this does not always happen, you may be lucky and you will immediately find the right creative and get to the target audience. But the chances are very small.
You need to test correctly. For example, if you have one static creative and one video creative, we'll match two of your creatives three times. We make one campaign and six adsets, three adsets for each creative.
We set a budget of somewhere around $15-20 for each, depending on the geo. Traffic may be cheaper somewhere, more expensive somewhere.
If you pour from autoreg, it is not a fact that autoreg can withstand three adsets. That's why, if you want to flood with autoregs, then just do three autoregs. Take three RKs each with the same target and creo settings.
Test it. Look at the metrics. See how the target behaves in general.
Many people think that optimization is a tick in advantage+, which is optimized using the Facebook algorithm. This is not quite right, because the algorithm does not select exactly the audience that you would like to have.
It is better to fill placements manually and set all settings. We should pay attention to the metrics - it's reach and impressions, clicks, CTM, CTR, the number of installs, if it's gambling, the price for installing the application.
Let's return to the previous example. We launched 6 adsets on two creos, we look at the metrics and see that one adset caught the best. This is the one we should leave, turn off the others and forget about them. If you see a profit on this adset, you can gradually increase the budget. Thus, by increasing the reach of your target audience, you increase your scope. Until your adset or account there dies.
Also pay attention to the cities from which conversions come. You will not always target a wide audience, you need to evaluate the traffic that does not convert or converts little, in order to save and improve the envelope. This can be done in PP or the tracker, if you use it.
What is the recommended budget?

In general, it is best to have several different creatives and approaches. For example, you have some news, videos, emotions. You test different approaches and find out which one works best for this offer.
Also, pay attention to the landing page of the offer. You can simply pick up creos and bonuses - this adds trust to users who watch this ad, and to envelopes.
Let's imagine that the RK is hooked, the creative topchik - what budget is recommended, to what figure can it be increased?
It is necessary to increase gradually, because this adset or RK cannot always hold the target audience that you need.
For example, you have an adset of $15 and there have been two deposits. You increase - first by $10, see. If it keeps the bar, then increase it further - until the account is banned or something else happens. You don't need to bet $50 right away. You can immediately cast them in half a day and get nothing. It is necessary to look, analyze by metrics.
If you see that the percentage has fallen, you should try to run on other LCDs or adsets.
If everything sticks, you can safely scale, launch at once on several accounts with the same target settings and already pour and earn.
I also recommend double-checking your name and dip — so that everything is correct. Partners have had problems more than once: they set up an ad, the ad becomes active, they come back and say - why is there no traffic, the offer is not converted or something?
We check name and dip, and there may be a small error, another symbol. Also, for example, we can give several examples, and the admin sets the name and dip from other examples.
Therefore, it is better to check twice here - it will take 5 minutes, but you will be sure that you are doing well. And also - turn on notifications in bots. When a prela is banned, it is necessary to immediately stop the traffic, transfer it to another prela. Because if you miss this moment, your traffic will simply go down the drain. Watch this very carefully.
Should I test three adsets with different targets on the same creo?
You need to test three adsets with the same settings in order to see exactly how the audience is engaged.
A common mistake is when you bid the entire budget — you created three adsets and bet $15 on three adsets. That's not quite right, because Facebook's algorithms allocate your $15 to where it thinks there might be a conversion. You need to control it yourself - it will be more effective that way.
Why does the price of an install increase after narrowing the audience?
It also depends on adset. If you play with lowering and raising the budget on adset, it affects the audience. If you edit the adset itself, it also affects CA. Facebook selects a new audience each time after each re-moderation. You need to control this process.
It depends on how many times you will test, what scale you expect, how many creatives you have and most importantly, how much money you are willing to give to this cause. So, for example, if I were to fly into arbitration now, I would spend at least $300 somewhere for the test. But this is a super minimum. You need to consider what you will need. Resources are accounts, proxies. There is no loot button to immediately deposit and earn. You need to turn on your head, look, analyze, count, think through various concepts in order to save on traffic and earn money.
Do you need to screw up to the end to $15 on adset to understand if it is working correctly or not?
Not always. For example, you have three adsets for $15, you can see from the spend that each of them made $8-10 and you have nothing - no clicks, no installs, nothing. Accordingly, you need to look at the target, the creative, check the naming and deeplink, check whether the target is not in the bath, whether you did everything correctly. Therefore, yes, you can disconnect earlier if you see that there is no good prospect.
How long can the test take in general? If there is no envelope on the first day, can it appear later?

Which geos are better to start with - Tier-1, Tier-2, Tier-3?
I would start with Tier-2 and Tier-3. Tier-1 traffic is a little more expensive, and it is more difficult to get there. It all depends on the budget, but I would still advise beginners to start with Tier-3. There is cheap traffic and a higher probability of breaking even and making money. Tier-2 is also a geo where you can fly. Tier-1 is when you are already more experienced and ready to go to a new level. Although there are Tier-1 offers with a super envelope, you can go for itask our managers.
You can also start with the SPL offer. This is a Tier-1 geo, but the payment is for registration, and it is much easier to work with it than the offer with payment by SPA.
From which accounts can you now stably pour into agency accounts, and why does the billing not go up?
It is steadily poured both from agencies and from farms and autoregs. It's just that everything needs a test, the connection is also from accounts, as well as proxy and bina cards.
You can also start with the SPL offer. This is a Tier-1 geo, but the payment is for registration, and it is much easier to work with it than the offer with payment by SPA.
From which accounts can you now stably pour into agency accounts, and why does the billing not go up?
Regarding agencies. There are services where you first have to send the creative to the agency for review, and then they just let it pass.

In the same way, everything is very good with farms and autoregs, you just need to start a little more accounts, that's all.
Is it better to take three different autoregs for the test or one autoreg and run three RKs, plus two BMs, plus the main one?
It all depends on the quality of the account itself. If you are sure that the account can withstand 3 adsets on autoreza, start it. It is the same for the test - you can use both adsets and three different advertising campaigns. If you do it on adsets, it will save a little money on buying additional autoregs or farms.

What's the best way to narrow down your launch audience? Choose Android or IOS, placement, age?
It is necessary to narrow the audience by filtering out excess traffic. If you have set up a target, you have a certain opening, several deps, you can see information from which age category, from which placements the most deposits, installs and in general the envelope in the Facebook graphs near the company.
Later you can launch exactly on these profitable categories.
In the Android version, you can see in the One Partners office itself, from which the depot or install comes, and then do further optimization. Of course, it also depends on which geo is poured.
If you have withdrawn the amount of the deposit, but there are no deposits yet, should you continue to deposit or should you stop?
It all depends on the hooks. Maybe you spent $50 on your deposit and you have 5 creatives with different approaches. Or you used one creative, spent $30-40 and you started spending the second one, and still nothing. Then it is worth setting the budget a little less and find this approach, since one of them should still be profitable. Test and search for solutions.
Which accounts can be used to knit BMa for 250?
Now you can knit on the farm. There is an active demand for rent, but it is very difficult to find. In principle, there is nothing difficult to hang BMy on the farm, everything holds and starts well.
What causes optimization to fail?
This happens when, for example, you play with increasing or decreasing the budget, if you make certain changes to the target.
After each re-moderation, Facebook tries to find a new audience for you. This does not always happen, but the corrections are still made by him.
Is there a difference in ad settings in licensed casinos that have a Facebook and Google account certificate and those that do not have a license that requires the use of proxy accounts?

What to do if RK gave only 3 depots to France, for example, but there are days when there are no installs, regs and it is very expensive to spin? Need to stop or restart another day?
It is necessary to analyze the target itself. There are such geos that can stably pour installs and depots. There are those that require a special approach and optimization — the same France, Spain. One day it will be good to fill them, the next day you will have to optimize the CA.
That is, you need to spin, but analyze the target, creatives, look at the Facebook schedule, maybe fix something, increase the budget and test. To detect the same timing when people watch ads.
How to find a kreo for a connection? Does it have to be one specific creo or approach?
Creo's search for a bond is through testing. Test, watch, analyze all metrics, pay attention to the target.
Is it better to bet more creos on one offer, say 5?

If a licensed casino with certified akas is poured into a country where gambling is allowed, then a cloaca and proxy are not needed?
If it is a link, everything is needed, and a proxy and a cloaca. There are always bans on all accounts. When you even use a proxy and do not change your IP address and access 10 accounts from one IP address, your checkpoint crashes, or some RD or risks — this should also be taken into account.
Does finding a creo for a relationship mean finding a single creo or an approach to a creo?

If the beans are from China, and the accounts are Ukrainian or Polish, does it somehow affect the launch?
If such beans knit well without risks and holds, then pour. This does not affect it in any way - so that it gets attached and spends.
If you link a Ukrainian card from low-quality accounts, there may be problems.
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