From treasure of myths to financial miracle. Uncovering the interesting case of Greece.
Greece is a country where echoes of ancient wisdom are intertwined with modern business. It was here that we had one fascinating case study. Decisive risk-taking and creative approaches were the levers for us to share this experience with you.
Vertical: gambling Offeror: Bizzo Casino Android / IOS / UAC Geo: Greece Platform: Facebook apps Test period: 01.06-30.06 Cost: $5 544 Revenue: $11 880 Profit: $6 336
Case statistics:
Choice of GEO:
We chose Greece because of its associations such as the Olympics, Sparta, and antiquity. Greeks genuinely respect and value leisure, while work is of secondary importance to them. This characteristic is due in part to their rich cultural heritage, where activity and sport have always held an important place.
The essence of Greece, embodied in the Olympic Games and ancient Spartan culture, makes sport an important part of their lives.
Our choice of Greece as a traffic source allows us to utilise this unique aspect of Greek culture in our strategy. We can appeal to their passion for sport and active lifestyles.
Choice of an offer:
There was actually an interesting moment here. After all, we didn't think long about the offer and took the familiar Bizzo Casino. More precisely, we got the idea that why not test another GEO on Bizzo Casino and we were right on target.
A little bit about them, Bizzo Casino is a Canadian online casino that has been operating since 2021. It is licensed by the Kanawake Gaming Commission and has a solid reputation to date.
Traffic source:
We actively used the Facebook platform as the primary traffic source for our case. This choice was due to a number of factors and advantages that this social network provides in the context of audience engagement and increased traffic. We decided to launch on Android / IOS / UAC.
Process of creative selection:
Greeks value visual content very much and prefer to receive information through visual perception.
The creative component plays a fundamental role in any of our cases. It is the key ingredient to stand out from the crowd, engage our lead and create an unforgettable experience.
In our creative, we endeavoured to capture the ineffable atmosphere of Greece. The combination of red and yellow shades we chose for a more vivid and expressive visual impact allowed us to create an impression of brightness, sunshine and warmth that is so characteristic of this country.
In the approaches to creative we used creatives mostly static, but video is also present, everyone showed themselves well. In creatives we emphasised on bonuses, colourful creos in excellent quality. Using a variety of creative approaches – from static images to video – expanded our ability to impact different types of audiences.
Thus, our creative strategy in promoting Greece covered a wide range of approaches and formats.
Creo static, red/yellow colour, girls:
Example of video creative for this case study on Greece:
How did you set up your advertising campaigns?
We mainly used WWA apps. Regarding costs: mainly runs were made from high-limit 250 and unlimited accounts, as well as using agency accounts. Install costs were in the $3 to $4 range. .
Started right away with setting up automatic shows, and after a spend, placings from Facebook came in well.
Used Android 9 and above, where the target audience was people over 27 years old. Main gender segment: men.
Cast to a wide audience, we didn't use text in the creatives.
Our case proved that you should not be afraid to experiment with new offers and territories, and Greece is a perfect example of this.
As a result of our analysis, we can conclude that Greece is an exciting and promising destination. Its potential as a traffic source cannot be underestimated. We are convinced that Greece is an interesting and profitable GEO where significant success can be achieved.
Applications as the key to success
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