The Czech Republic is in the fire of profit: How to increase traffic to ROI of 77%
Offer: 5gringos | Reg Form | Android / IOS
Geo:Czech Republic
Platform: Facebook apps
Test period:01.11-30.11
Cost: $11 835
Revenue: $20 984
Profit: $9 149
ROI: 77,3%
Case statistics:

Choice of GEO:
The Czech Republic, located in the heart of Europe, is a country that impresses with its multilayered cultural heritage and long history. However, it is not only tradition that defines this country, but also openness. Moreover, the Czech people have an impressive potential in the field of gambling. Taking this potential into account, various offers, promotions, and bonuses can effectively stimulate the interest of players. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that Czechs are known for being thoughtful in choosing where to invest their money, and they value quality and reliability in all aspects of their lives.
Traffic source:
Having analysed the most popular social networks in the country for a year, Facebook is at the top of the ranking. So for the Czech Republic, choosing Facebook as a source of traffic was a pretty obvious move.
Process of creative selection:
Firstly, we had to understand that the chosen GEO was the Czech Republic, so we focused on the specifics of Czech traditions and popular games. The use of the Czech language was also important. The interface, titles, and creos were adapted to the country, and the design itself was bright and included national symbols. And, of course, the motives of unique bonuses successfully attracted the attention of Czechs.

How were the ad campaigns set up?
The offer was tested in November, where we used proven WWA apps for our advertising campaign. In terms of placement, we chose Facebook for Android 9+. Our target audience was a wide male audience aged 22-55.
All in all, the Czech Republic is a land of opportunity, where careful research and understanding of local preferences can be crucial for successful campaigns. Therefore, we advise you to study the country in detail before entering it.
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