Swedish gold: how to get an ROI of 74% on an IGaming offer
There has been talk among arbitrators about IGaming in Sweden for a long time. But what is there to say – you have to try it. That’s what we decided to do, and we got quite strong results on Brucebet. How it was – read on.
Offer: Brucebet | RegForm | Android / IOS
Geo: Sweden
Platform: Facebook apps
Test period: 12.10-12.11
Cost: $5 123
Revenue: $8 960
Profit: $3 837
ROI: 74,9%
Case statistics:

Choice of GEO:
Why should media buyers pay attention to this Scandinavian GEO?
Sweden is a country with a relatively small population (about 10 million), but with a very high standard of living. It is also among the top countries with fast internet, which is also very important for us.
And finally, the key thing is that there are quite liberal conditions for the IGaming industry. Online casinos have been fully legalised in the country for 5 years. According to various estimates, more than 80% of Swedes play various types of gambling, and about a third of the population relaxes in online casinos at least once a week.
Traffic source:
Facebook is the most popular social network in the country, with almost all adults using it. There were practically no issues with the source of traffic, because for the majority of the European population, Facebook is the obvious choice.
Process of creative selection:
If you are preparing ad campaigns for Sweden, it is better to work with creatives in a high-quality way. One Partners relied on videos that show the emotions of winning (which is what Swedes gamble for) and the process of the game (also an important motive).
Examples of static and video creatives for Sweden:

How were the ad campaigns set up?
For the campaign, we used WWA apps.
The platform was Facebook on Android 9+.
The most interesting detail in the settings is that we targeted the ads not only to the male but also to the female audience. Women accounted for 40% of the target audience, men – 60%, and a wide audience aged 25-62.
Gambling in Sweden is a truly “golden” vertical. If you work with IGaming offers, you should definitely try this GEO.
With expenses of $5 123, we received a profit of $8 960 and a total profit of $3 837. With an ROI of 74.9%, we are quite satisfied with the results and the new experience.
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